CBCRA - Reservoir
You watch it. You bin it.

In Manitoba, the majority of citizens recycle their non-alcoholic beverage containers. Yet some people still resist recycling, as if it’s an insurmountable effort. 

This campaign challenges those hard-headed laggards head-on, by handing the mic to those who will be impacted most by their indifference: the next generation. Children in Manitoba are given the opportunity to express their astonishment at adults who still don’t recycle, or don’t recycle enough. Bringing boldness and humour to the issue, children confront the most common excuses, obstacles, bad habits and rationalizations that adults give for not recycling.

Children have a way of saying things like they are, without a filter. In simple and direct language, they candidly remind Manitobans that recycling their empty beverage containers is not rocket science.

One-word? Seriously?!

Great out-of-home advertising is easy to spot, simple to read, entertaining, and informative. That’s why these billboards are (in our opinion) so powerful. They sum up the essence of the campaign: the language, the irony, the tone and, most important, the call-out to the recycling laggards…all in just one word. Helloooooo?! Using the language of the next generation, the colloquial headlines echo and reinforce the TV executions with their catchy messages that are as fun to read as they are to share with others. As if anyone would miss these ads. Puh-leeze!

Touchdown! The most effective communication drumbeats its messaging, maintaining the same strategy at every touchpoint, but adapting it to maximize each medium. Here, the campaign is kicked off by sponsoring the Manitoba football team, the Blue Bombers. The signature “You drink it. You bin it.” is transformed into a rallying call: “Let’s go Bombers, bin it!”

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